Monday, February 26, 2007

Let's hope it was the last one of the season. We had almost four inches of wet sloppy snow yesterday, but at least there was no wind. The white stuff fell down all day and it looked as if someone had opened up a huge pillow in the sky and let all the feathers float softly to the ground and water. It was almost like an early spring snowfall, and since it was very wet all the trees and bushes looked like a fairyland. Pretty, but messy. Pacha loved it. She jumped and cavorted as if she were a pup once again. Of course, that didn't last long as her old joints quickly tired. This morning the snow is almost all gone and by afternoon there will be no lingering signs of the storm. Spring comes early and quickly in this area so close to the nation's capital, and with temperatures rising to the high forties and low fifties we'll see fresh new green in only a couple weeks. That also should herald the return of the "Weekend Warriors" and all the helter skelter madness that comes with the arrival of the new boating season. It will be fun to watch; it also will be fun to be one of the participants.

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