Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Yikes-Oh, Yikes-Oh. It was a cold one yesterday with only one redeeming factor, the wind was only at about 5mph. We were screamin' and hollerin' about that one with temperatures at their lowest in two years, about 14F (-9C). The water pipes on the boat had frozen, and it looked as if we would be having problems for a while. We had never expected it would get this cold. To hell with it..we took nice hot marina showers and then took off for Easton with Pacha (who is feeling better). We had a great lunch at Mason's and a nice talk about what we'll do for a warmer winter next year. We spent the afternoon in antique shops. When we returned, the pipes were still frozen, but the boat was almost comfortable. We'd put bilge lights on, but that had not done the trick. Of course, the main concern with frozen pipes is that they will burst when frozen, so we were crossing our fingers. We made the best of a very cold day.

This morning the meteorologist's prediction of an inch of snow came true (Pacha loves that), but the good news is OUR PIPES ARE NO LONGER FROZEN. Yeah for our side. It's still cold, but the snow has a bit of an insulating effect, and we can wash the dishes and our hands. Apparently all the pipes are okay, another big positive. I suppose we had just the right conditions, the bubblers, the lights in the bilge and no wind all helping to warm up the pipes enough to let the water flow.

It's not easy living on a boat in the very best of conditions. One must make enormous adjustments and compromises, but when the basic systems one depends on break down because of unexpected weather, it can become much more difficult just to get along. Somehow we are managing quite well and discussing ways to be more comfortable if we have to go through cold weather like this again. Of course, a good option is to move a little farther south next Jan. and Feb., but even that wouldn't have helped all that much this year with the cold mass going all the way down to Georgia and Florida being hit by tornadoes. Starting tomorrow the daytime temps will go above freezing and continue a slow climb. Will this be the last cold spell? We certainly hope so, but we'll deal with whatever comes.

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