Sunday, February 11, 2007

So what's been going on? Actually, quite a bit, but that has all settled down for a while. I'm alone for a few days while Anne takes care of business. She'll be in Ottawa while looking after all sorts of necessary stuff, then she'll have a couple nice nights in Montreal, also to look after business. For both of us it's a bit of a break, though she will be working and I will be looking after our floating palace. In the meantime, I've ordered a new Eden Pure heater, and magically it will arrive tomorrow. That's quite amazing considering I just ordered it on Thursday, and it had to be transported all the way from Michigan with no travel time on Sat. or Sun. Two others on this dock have this heater, and they report it uses only 750w but will comfortably heat a boat our size or larger. If that's true, our heating problems are over and just in time. A big storm is on the way and swirling down from central Canada bringing both snow and colder weather on Tuesday. None of that horrible weather is expected to get to Ottawa or even Toronto, so that's good news. The bad news is that the cold weather is predicted to be here at least until the end of the week. I sure hope the heater performs as advertised (by Paul Harvey, no less), so I can finally get a decent temperature in the boat, and my astronomical electric bills will be diminished. Pacha continues to get me up in the middle of the night, and I can't find a way to resolve that, though I keep trying. Hmmmm, sleeping pills anyone?

I've talked with one of my nephews regarding my trip to L.A., and it's likely I'll be leaving here close to the end of the month. I'll book for a two week stay. That should be enough time to get the family problem sorted out and also for me to perhaps sneak in a round or two of golf. At least one of my three nephews will almost certainly be there for a day or so while I'm there, and they also play golf. So while my visit there is necessary and serious, there may be a little lighthearted activity to ease the concerns and pressure of the trip. One other thought: By the time I get back from my trip, the weather should be downright pleasant here with nothing but improvement on the way.

There's little or nothing going on here, though we did have some activity when one of the boats on the dock started to sink. The marina people were notified and quickly resolved the problem. Lester, the slow moving fellow down the dock, has offered to take me anywhere I might need to go while I'm without wheels, so I needn't worry about running out of food. I've also stocked up pretty well and should probably be more concerned about gaining weight than going hungry. Well, maybe I could make a stop at Blockbuster and rent a couple movies just for diversion. Meanwhile, there's cable tv and golf, and I'm into a Ludlum book, "The Hades Factor," so I won't be bored. Additionally, there's always plenty of boat maintenance to look after coupled with DIY manuals that I have to study to bring my tech knowledge up to date. I'll get back to you when activity gives some news worthy of being passed on.

Aaaaaarrrr...Cap'n Ted

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