Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Wonder of wonders, after a bit of manipulation I was able to log on to a New Post. Something's a little bit goofy with the Google sign in, so I have to use my old blog account. What the heck, it works, and I don't have the patience to sort out the specifics. It's cold here today, but I think this is the last of it with warmer air coming in this evening and sticking around (like Emeril) for a couple weeks..maybe longer. Still no change in my L.A. plans, so I'll likely leave on the 4th as scheduled. I am going to try to get a couple rounds of golf in before I leave assuming that the weather will cooperate.

It's hard to believe, but it was one year ago we returned to Chelsea after our vacation trip to Maryland. We took that trip just to revisit St. Michaels, MD, to get a break from the frigid weather and the snow. What a lifestyle change that incubated along with a journey that continues to this date. We often use the well-worn cliché, "Be careful what you ask for," and this time it really is true. We were asking for a business improvement, and that took off shortly after we got back. We asked for a boat, and though we went through a tortuous path to make it happen, bingo, here we are. So what do we ask for next? Be careful. Now that we've
accomplished the most difficult part, we are really looking forward to spending our summers in TO and running toward the warmer climes in Jan and Feb. We'll do it, and it will happen because we asked for it.

So what's the big difference between what we accomplish with our "Process" and the new phenom "The Secret? " We don't think there's a lot. As we look back over the years we both have used our personal process to take us to exactly where we wanted to be at the time. Right or wrong, we arrived at each destination just as we wished for. Mind you, it took some work in each instance, but nothing come easy, and if one wants it bad enough he/she just has to work for it. I recall reading Napolean Hill's book "Think and Grow Rich" more than fifty years ago wherein he espoused most of the same principles. I believed in them then, and I don't think much has changed in the last half century. Sure, the authors names have changed from Hill, to Robbins, to Dyer et al, but it all boils down to much of the same: Want it, Believe in it, Work for it, It will be yours, perhaps not in the way it was initially visualized, but it will be there. So, do be careful what you ask for, it might not be exactly what you wanted in the first place. If that doesn't work where else do you find what you're looking for? See ya' soon.


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